Our Vision and Mission
Our vision is to contribute to a safe and liveable world by being the world leading, independent provider of geo-intelligence and asset integrity solutions. These are critical to the sustainable development of natural resources and sustainable construction and operation of large facilities and infrastructure.
Our mission is to create value for all our stakeholders. At its core is market leadership: protecting and building it out further where we are leader and achieving it where we are not yet. We do so by:
- Being the preferred partner for our clients by being an independent services provider which assures the integrity and confidentiality of results.
- Safely and consistently delivering integrated quality solutions from a broad portfolio of services across the globe on time and on budget, with teams of motivated employees that apply world class, innovative and often proprietary technology and perform to high standards of professionalism and integrity.
- Being cost effective by operating from a global, efficiently organised office network with excellent staff and a well maintained, globally allocated pool of assets and resources.
In addition, we must restore profitability in our key oil and gas market by dealing with a ‘lower for longer’ environment and achieve a more stable financial performance by creating a more balanced portfolio between our energy, building & infrastructure, power and mining markets.